Hoxies on Mission #3

Today is the day that Summer begins!  Halle and Jack are finishing up school this morning and we got some bogo’s to that TCBY!

Robyn and I are looking forward to celebrating her birthday tomorrow – and while she may not no what exactly we are doing it should be a good time to relax together and game plan out the next 3.5 weeks.

Our chillens are kicking of our summer lg next week – we are nearly 50% funded for our Summer missions and day school applications are in for next Fall!  It looks like we will have ar0und 15 students which is phenomenal!

We would love continual prayer this week –

The #1 – Robyn and I are stepping out a bit with this kids lifegroup – while we are going to support them as best as we can – I am feeling a bit of fear of like what if it doesn’t go well and the kids get disappointed.  So if you could pray faith for Robyn and I to trust Gods goodness and faithfulness!

#2 – Pray for a sooper dooper bday party for Robyn! (if you would like to send her an encouragement please pass it on to me at austin.robyn@gmail.com)

#3 – Pray for all of our summer missions $$ to come in!

Thankful for you guys



Hoxies on Mission prayer #2

Thanks again friends for following what God’s doing in our fam!  Graduation came and went and we are transitioning into the Summer.  The Chillens got two more weeks of school – then the pool opens – then we open a line item in our budget for sun screen.


Would love for you to continue to pray – a few of our current needs

  1. to transition into the Summer schedule well
  2. To get out our invites for our summer kids lifegroup
  3. for the $$ to come in – we are about 12% funded!


If you would like to give you can do so at http://www.antiochfc.org/give

Have an awesome day!

Hoxies on Mission prayer #1

Friends!  Robyn and I are enjoying our last official college event of the semester being done!  We have a few more things in the next week but are looking forward to some down time in May.

Our biggest prayer needs in the next few weeks –

  1. To rest well as a family
  2. Prepare to launch our Pitkin street kids lifegroup in June
  3. $$ to come in for our two trips this Summer!  We are 10% funded one week in!


#livebig today

thankful for each of you!


Spring 2016

Hey Friends!  Hope you are winning today – 2016 has been a blast up to this point and the Summer is looking even better!!!

As our kids are growing, Robyn and I starting to incorporate our kids more holistically into the mission that God has called our family into – and this Summer its really taking form!

We got two trips our family is apart of in bringing the Gospel to the nations of the earth – 1. to Germany working with Syrian refugees

2. To Tijuana Mexico to support our sister church there

Lastly, our kids and backyard have become a social hub for the neighborhood kids and so we are kicking off a kids lifegroup that Halle and Jack will be leading for the kids on our street in order to help us bring the Gospel to our street!

Check this pdf for some of the deets!

We will be posting monthly ways you can pray for us this Summer!

We are also raising $10,000 – We would be so blessed for your investment in us this Summer!  you can give @ http://www.antiochfc.org/give

Be blessed and dominate life today!Summer2016

Happy 2016!

I pray a year of abiding and obeying the living God over you and your home!  christams2015

Merry Christmas Friends

I hope and pray that our God of grace and mercy is filling your home this holiday season!  He is the King of Kings, the source of peace, hope and joy and we are so thankful and honored to allow Him to rule and reign in the Hoxie home!


It has been a great semester, Robyn and I are being challenged to continually follow Him.  5 years into church planting and pastoring their are tendencies to level out and continue to do the norms of ministry while not actually following Jesus!  He is challenging us to daily deny ourselves, and pour our lives out for all that He brings into our life!  And it is a joy!!!

We are preparing for a 2016 that will include more responsibility than we have ever held.  As our church is reaching a place of maturity we are preparing to send our church planters to plant new churches.  Part of that process is our discipleship training school.  Robyn and I have been asked to direct our training school, with the goal if building the sending arm of our church.  We will be directing our night and day school.  The night school has 24 students enrolled beginning on Jan 25 and the day school will begin in Aug.  We will also continue our roles as college pastors.

While its been intimidating in the preparation process for the new year, Robyn and I are thrilled at where our church is at and that the Lord would trust us with this.  We believe that 2016 will be a year of intimacy, and Jesus ruling and reigning in our home more than we have ever experienced!

Thank you for your continued love and support of our family!  We are so thankful for each of you!  Feel free to drop us a line anytime!  Our Christmas card got in the mail a bit later than normal but will be out in a few days!  Merry Christmas


the hoxies



5 years in!

Antioch Community Church of Fort Collins is preparing this week for our 5 year anniversary service….

5 YEARS!!!  The last few weeks I have begun thinking about what has actually been happening here in Fort Collins, what have I given my life to me and is it worth it?  These thoughts were brought about by the question posed before Robyn and I by our Pastor; “Do you guys feel like the Lord is calling you to go plan a church”  –  While incredibly honoring to be asked, it caused me to look around and ask the question, what have we actually done the last 5 years?

What does it mean to have planted a church?

think about it

think about it

There are so many things that we have done well…so many things that I wish I could take back…so many students that are passionately following Jesus…and many students that said the cost was too great….but as I asked the question what have we built and given our lives, the Lord has come in His kindness and compassion and affirmed out efforts.  We have created a community where people can come in whatever process they are in with the Lord and engage in a safe place to encounter the Living God, and choose to follow Him or not.

Im not sure if I have ever been more honored that the Lord would choose me.  That He would call me out of my selfishness and pride and empower me to lay down my life for a hurting and broken world. To all of you that have chosen to support our lives, in friendship, financially, or in prayer I want to say thank you.  All that has happened here and will continue to happen is credited to you as righteous.  Would you take a moment and allow the Lord to affirm you, as He has me…

seriously...let Jesus speak to you...right now...

seriously…let Jesus speak to you…right now…

The Fall has been a whirlwind of life, events, evangelism and #dadlife.  Robyn and I have hit this semester hard and loved every minute of it.  4 college LG’s are rocking and rolling, people have been getting saved consistently, and we have gotten an abundance of mess that God has allowed us to lead people through!

I also built a 10 foot cross and have been taking our students and cruising around campus with it

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It was a bit intimidating at first but has been so encouraging in learning how to walk in step with the Spirit.

Our kids are growing, Halle and Jack are killing 2nd and Kindergarten..Ben is in school two days a week and Cole is a monster wanting to be apart of everything…and Robyn is so hot!   And I may or may not of had a birthday….anywho…thank you for your prayer and support of our family!

God is moving and its a blast to be a part of…Be awesome today and #livebigger


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Summer Update!


cliff, manuel, rosie and kevin….

So these are not the name of our children…they are the name of our college Lifegroups…and Kevin is a girl (thank you UP)…

Its been a few months since the last update and for that I apologize…however it has been quite the semester! The lens the Lord gave us coming into 2015 is love God together…and Read our Bibles, and our college students have risen to it! We have implemented a monthly college worship service where Rob’s and I have been able to envision from the front, however it has been our LG leaders that have carried this. Not only communicating this to their life groups but embodying this.

Each lg team has intentionally choosen to take their friend groups and make them inclusive to anyone and everyone. As a result several students have given their lives to Jesus and gotten plugged in, as well as over 15+ students interacting with Jesus in a personal way for the first time this semester! We have had consistent testimonies from people stepping into our LG’s and friend circle’s making comments like “I have never felt so loved” or “Ive never seen people so loving toward each other”!

It feels like our LG’s have turned from a weekly Bible meeting to these powerful pockets of friends that love each other wildly and want to invite everyone they know into!

In regards to the name…yes we did name our life groups! At first it was a joke…but its become a thing. The Bible has lots of geneaologies and we thought our college ministry should have them too!!! This semester Cliff and Manuel multiplied out of Roger, and Rosie and Kevin multiplied out of Bart. the hole in our family tree is that when Roger and Bart multiplied they ended…however the mission component of our college ministry has taken off!

As a result of the names, our students have started catching on that a healthy lg is one where people are getting saved, we are growing and needing to make more room for people. For that to happen, each student in each lg has to actually be reaching out to their friends…which is happening! the plan is to make shirts in the Fall detailing out our lineage… IE Cliff son of Roger…hopefully it will get to like 18 generations

It has been awesome!

We are currently doing an “awesome april” which is a challenge in the month of April for our students to do Face time daily, share the Gospel with a friend once a week, and eat together with your lg once a week. I will be sure to get the testimonies from that out in may!

A few things that you could pray for us if you would like are:
1. Finishing out the semester well – for Rob’s and I and our students
2. Wisdom with how to build leadership layers and empower students
3. We would continue to grow in our desire to love the lost and share the Gospel
4. I have been making friendships and key relationships in the LGBTQ community, pray for favor and boldness with my friends their

thanks for following and investing in our Fam and what God is doing in Fort Collins and CSU



Robyns is difficult to get a pic of sometimes…she is sneaky…and hot

Love God, together…and read your Bible

This has been the mantra as 2015 has gotten kicked off…5 years into building this church and college ministry Robyn and I have taken our share of hits, and have raised the roof in victorious triumph on multiple occasions….

In the ups an downs, Robyn and I are becoming more and more aware of our need for God, and that God is not as concerned about what we are doing as much as doing it with Him, walking and talking with Him as we go….abiding I think would be the Biblical term…There seems to have been a shift in our hearts not feeling the pressure as much as building something or getting students to respond and more of a joy of being dependent on God and following Him with students.

It has been incredibly freeing and this concept of loving God together has taken off…what better way to obey Jesus then with your chums…why would anyone want to do it alone! Well our students seem to think this is like totally legit (because it is) and lifegroups are taking off. We had over 60 students in life groups the first week with lots of new faces. Two of the groups are looking to mulitply in Feb and our LG leaders are more in love with Jesus then I have ever seen…so booyah ka shaw!!!

The read the Bible part has been something that we believe the Lord is challenging us to help students really get a foundation for their lifestyle. That the why of lifegroup, FaceTime, discipleship would all be rooted in the Bible. I threw out the question of what a book report of the NT would read like and its made for some stimulating conversation of how does the Gospel/Bible really direct and lead my life on a daily basis…I would encourage you to try and write a book report on the new testament…its very thought provoking…

Family life is rocking…Robyn is bringing life everywhere she goes…we are trying to work some hard stuff out in regards to school but for the most part our fam and marriage are booming…like a tuba

If you would like to pray for us you can pray for our students to get pumped about Spring Break. we are taking some students down to Tijuana/San Diego to share the Gospel and work with the poor…its a logistical nightmare and costs students their spring break as well as $500. But the experience of living for a week in an environment where everyone is getting FaceTime with Jesus, corporately worshiping then giving their life away changes students and is always worth it.

we are taking our whole fam this year, so prayer is requested from all praying people reading this!

Thanks for following us! my phone died yesterday and I consequently will be slightly delayed in posting some sweet action pics of my crew…but be blessed and dominate your spring!


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